A Little Less Sparkle Please

Moped big time about going back to work (who could leave this sweet little face?). The weekend before the dreaded first day, I laundered a favorite dress and dusted off a pair of business casual shoes. Then I peered into my make-up bag and it all felt so surreal at that moment, like looking at artifacts from a past life. Hubby was home, Olive was sleeping, so I grabbed the car keys and headed to the Mac counter for a fresh start. The ladies at these places are always quick to approach with an apologetic look in their heavily painted eyes as if to say nonverbally, “poor homely little lamb, let me show you what a little sparkle can do.” I don’t visit these places often but past experiences have all been similar in that whenever they are trying to “figure me out” make-up wise they carefully say something to the effect of “you’re going for more of a natural look, right?” which I suppose is their kind way of saying my “look” is similar to that of a corpse under the overkill stadium lighting in these places. What’s with the aggressive lighting anyway? And why are all the mirrors so heavily magnified? I think their marketing strategy includes making their potential customers feel hideous and thus dependent on their product. Note to self and Olive: avert your eyes and walk briskly by make-up counters, do not make eye contact, do not look into the lights or the mirrors. Nothing wrong with natural beauty, no need to mess it all up with smoke and mirrors.

9 replies to “A Little Less Sparkle Please

  1. This has always been my policy when it comes to makeup counters. As you know, I clearly have “the natural look”. I’m so afraid that if I make eye contact with one of the overly made-up girls at the counter that they will immediately get a gleam in their eyes and decide that I would be a perfect “project” for them đŸ™‚ No thank you!


    1. Right! Continue to steer clear because they seem to confirm that you don’t wear gobs of make up as they proceed to apply gobs of make up on you…almost as if to say “I know you don’t wear lots of make up…but you SHOULD!”


  2. Ha! Amen, sister. I went to the Lancome counter when I was sick (presurgery with my parathyroid tumor – exhausted, struggling, needed a perk) and I told the lady I struggled. That I usually “did my hair, or my make up every day but never both”. She said, “Oh, you really should be doing both…everyday.” I wanted to poke her with a dozen eye pencils. LOL


  3. “a corpse under the overkill stadium lighting…” too funny and I know what you mean! My skin is translucent compared to the girls who work in these make-up stores. I love your concept of “notes” to your daughter. I’m going to steal this one and use it for my little girl too. Adorable picture!


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