Pride of Dorking

We visited our local garden center again.

Saw some chickens intently observing the ground. What do they see?

Found some succulent beauties on display.

“Pride of Dorking” is an interesting choice of words I can appreciate.

My daughter inspecting the fun decorative markings on a tree container. Maybe the company’s signature?

I like this three seat bench. Not sure about those planters above it though.

30 replies to “Pride of Dorking

    1. I would love to get the Bialdez extended family together someday bro! California is a hot mess of COVID right now tho. Once we are on the other side of this. There’s a few garden centers I’d love to share with you and Karen. One of my favorites is in an old house in Santa Cruz. Someday!


  1. I wondered what was meant by “pride of dorking ”. Autocorrect does not like that word. The bench is very cool but the planters aren’t really my style. Are succulents popular there given the climate? My wife has a small succulent garden here. I hope you have a great day, Sandra. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Don’t get me started on autocorrect Chris! Yes, succulents do well out here if you can keep the jack rabbits away from them. I bet your wife has a beautiful succulent garden given what I’ve seen of her green thumb! Doing well over here. Hope you are too my friend!


      1. You know, we’ve never really seen rabbits around here and now they are making a comeback. That may not be good for the garden. My classes have eneded and i now have a four day weekend. I’m glad to hear you’re doing well. Any plans for the 4th of July?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Congratulations on wrapping up classes! Now you can thoroughly enjoy a long weekend. Sounds great! We are staying home for the 4th. Thinking of having a BBQ, just the 3 of us. Swimming. Hoping our puppy handles the inevitable fireworks well. How about you guys?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Wait! You have a puppy and I haven’t seen pics!!!! 🐶 How did that happen? I think it’s going to be quiet. We have a giant flag we hung on our barn this morning. Like you, we will likely barbecue. A band we really like is doing an online concert on Saturday night. That could be fun. I hope the puppy does okay with all the noise.

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      4. She is about 6 months old now! I haven’t posted pictures of her in awhile. I need to do that. She is a little rascal! But can also be very sweet. Sounds like you have the 4th all figured out Chris! You take good care!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. What a cool garden center! I actually think the planters are quite interesting. And if I had room those benches would look cool in our eclectic office …here at the LakeHouse. Happy day to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We are worried too Nancy. We are following the guidelines but others are not. We are sticking to outdoor activities where it is much easier to maintain a safe distance. But even this is a super rare outing for us. Staying home as much as possible. Thank you for your concern. I wish you well too my friend.

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