Morning Shadow

I was drinking my coffee when I noticed the shadow cast on the wall by the morning sun. The light is changing direction. Fall is here.

12 replies to “Morning Shadow

  1. Your shadows are truly telling, Sandra. Good catch. Here I notice the lateness of the morning dark. I had to leave at 6:30 for a morning appointment yesterday, and the sun did not come up for its hello to the day until I was well on my route. And it said goodbye shortly after 6:30 on the flip side of Friday. Onward we go to the less-light portion of our cycle of life.

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    1. Thank you Mark. Yes, I’m noticing this too and wondering why we experience this every year and yet every year I am surprised by this change. Maybe because it happens so gradually, I’m not sure why exactly. But I do love this time of year. The mild weather is the best. Take good care, Bro!


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