In Self Defense

I fastened the sun to my head for this shot.
I fastened the sun to my head for this shot.

“I paint myself because I am so often alone and because I am the subject I know best.”

-Frida Kahlo

I’m new to the DailyPost Weekly Challenges and I regret that it’s taken me this long to find them. It amazes me how sometimes all it takes is one simple word along with the command to “show readers your interpretation” and suddenly the fog of writers block lifts, my thoughts take flight like a dove release. So my first order of business today is to thank the beautiful minds behind the DailyPost. I appreciate the wealth of inspiration!

The most recent challenge posted involves the “Selfie,” you could almost hear a collective groan from the WordPress community. Why is the reaction to selfies or “self portraits” as Frida called them so visceral? A simple 7 letter word moved more than a few writers to ignite their torches and circle the wagons it would seem. I frequently write from my own perspective. Illustrating what the world looks like from where I stand. How is that any different from a photograph of myself? If maintaining a blog makes me guilty of being a selfie then so be it. I’ve been called worse. I’m not saying it’s easy or natural.

I’ve been in treatment and have been instructed to trade in my self-loathing for some self-compassion to improve my emotional well-being. In the process I’ve realized that I would never treat a stranger the way I do myself at times. I’ve been learning to appreciate who I am faults and all. It’s in that spirit that I post my selfie.

I challenge you to do the same. I’ll even sweeten the deal for you. Post a selfie on your blog before next Sunday, February 16th and I’ll treat 3 winners at random to a cup of coffee, don’t worry you don’t have to drink it with me. I’ll give you a $10.00 Starbucks gift card via email. If your beverage of choice is stronger than coffee, you might prefer the $10.00 itunes gift card option via your email inbox instead. The choice is yours. And yes dear reader you are worth so much more than $10.00! But this is a blog by your average Jane, not Oprah.

So there’s the deal. I encourage you to show yourself. I need to know it’s okay to live in a world where we like ourselves. I want my daughter to grow up with a sense of self worth and confidence so that others will hold her in the same regard. Help me show her it’s okay to be in our own corner. Because if we aren’t in our own corner, how can we expect others to be?

Want to play? Here’s how:

  1. Take a picture of your beautiful self, head-shots only please. I wish to maintain G-rated content here as this blog is a tribute to my toddler.
  2. Post a comment leaving a link to your entry. Please do specify that you want to be entered to win. Pingbacks alone without confirmation that you want to participate will not be considered.
  3. Tag your post with: SquareOneSelfie
  4. Link back to this post so that others can participate.

I will announce the winners and post their entries on Monday February 17th.

35 replies to “In Self Defense

  1. Sounds like fun. At this age I’m very self conscious, but you’re right, we need to like ourselves as is. But, I’m not a real computer wiz, so how do I link back to you. I’ve never done that. Sorry, but that’s how we learn things, by asking dumb questions.


      1. So, to confirm, the post must be up in the next few hours? I thought we could do this on Sunday, but it looks like Before Sunday is the rule. Got the pics, but not the words tonight. *flop*


  2. A great idea and a very nice photo. I love the way you very artistically framed the photo with the sun shining down beautifully and that lone branch in the top right. Very nicely done!


    1. Ha ha! Always nice to hear from you Annie. Hey the odds are in your favor if you do play along. You’d be the first and likely only participant! Stay warm out there!


    1. Catherine, welcome! Thank you so much for your entry. I’m fortunate to have a warm little community of regulars. You’re welcome aboard if it strikes your fancy! Have a look around. The invite is always open.


      1. I’m happy to have found your blog! I’ve poked around a bit and love it already. I’m also blogging as a way to record the transition into motherhood for my daughter. Great minds think alike, eh? 😉


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