That Fall Feeling

The temperatures are easing into the 80’s starting today! Looking forward to a cool down.

I found a new bird this morning! My bird ID app tells me it’s called a Bushtit. They are described as social songbirds who nest together as a family unit.

16 replies to “That Fall Feeling

  1. So cute! It’s also good to hear that it’s cooling down as well. I did read that there were still big fires burning on your west coast but can’t remember which state it was! Shocking really. 2020 will be a year to forget and you’ve still got an election to get through!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m so glad you’re doing better! Would love to visit someday. Doing better now that the smoke has cleared! The world felt so small with the pandemic raging and the fires burning at the same time. Stay well dear friend!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I recently heard a meteorologist report that we have experienced well over 100 days so far this year at or above 90 which is projected to be a record breaking year. 70’s sound crisp. Take good care Chris!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a really great idea Mark. I’ll have to try and record their chatter. This one area I like to visit is loud with their calls to one another. You have a great day too, Bro!


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